Friday, September 19, 2008

Yay for my boards from China!

Much to my surprise, my circuit boards for the temperature controller came in from BatchPCB yesterday. I must say that it's actually quite impressive that I have them...especially since the website says that they haven't shipped yet. It's that crazy new non-causal shipping, packages arrive before they were ever shipped. Wormholes...must be...

Of course I was like a 3-year-old on Christmas day. I obviously couldn't just let them sit on my desk unused and untested, so of course I had to start populating one. It turns out that I made a little error in my circuit layout and didn't get all of the grounds tied together properly, but a simple jumper wire fixes that problem...and I'm back in business. I haven't put the board completely through the ringer, but it works! Wahoo for a working temp controller on a professionally made board! Now, who wants one?

It's important to note that much like the kid on Christmas, I was also not able to sleep last night. I just laid there thinking about my new toys...and what I could do with them...and where I could use them to make cool things happen...and...and...and...damn my overactive brain.

Now that I have the boards back, I can finally polish up a legit writeup.

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